ASI Gets SWOT'ed
I may have shared with some of you the major evolutions happening at ASI. Although I am unable to go in detail at this point I can share with some company developments.
ASI recently had been SWOT analyzed by a major accounting firm, seeking the right accounting software company to enter in a joint venture. I am very glad and humbled that we have been chosen and currently have an alliance deal in principal.
The results of the SWOT analysis were very interesting, but of no surprise to me, I just found it humorous on how it was presented to me. First and foremost ASI's Strength is our applications, the flexibility and scalability to out perform our largest competitors. I will not bore you with me tooting my horn about the ASI Applications. I do want to share with you ASI's weaknesses. Me.... That's right, but I have always known that at times I may not be the best representative for high end accounting. I can be too direct, and
sometimes curt. But this direct no hold bars honest approach has given ASI well earned success and clients do appreciate knowing when a question or concern is presented, the answer they receive is accurate.
Why am I sharing this with you? To start, ASI is transforming from a Business to a Company. I will be moving more and more away from client contact and sales. I will still the principal owner but not
the CEO, taking on more of a CTO position; working with my development staff, in advancing ASI's applications. This process will take 6months to a year to complete, due to all the training involved with sales. ASI's sales team will still stay in tack with several additions. I will still be available for all clients that I have worked with directly. That was a promise I made to all of you face to face and will be kept.
My writing a periodic correspondence to improve my communication skills is also an issue that needed to be addressed. I am more of a bullet get to the point person when it comes to communications, and this seems to be frowned upon. This is why recently you have received these correspondences. I ask you not to remove yourself so quickly from the list consisting of 2100 recipients. These correspondences will be about views and events as well as developments. They will NOT consist of me trying to sell or push any of ASI's products. At times I hope they are informative and even humorous.
Believe me this is not my forte’, I would rather chew on broken glass then write editorials. So I promise they will be different and worth reading.Thank
You All Whole Hearty,
Nick Santino. President
ASI Financials
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